Street Hope Victoria


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Victoria, BC

Street Hope Victoria (SHV) is a volunteer-driven ministry that builds personal relationships with people who face multiple barriers and marginalization and encourages them to seek wholeness in all aspects of their lives. Those we serve may be facing poverty, a lack of supportive community, homelessness, addictions or mental health issues.

SHV operates out of wagons as volunteers walk up and down a block of Pandora Avenue serving homemade soup, sandwiches, drinks, cookies and also providing other essentials such as warm clothing. It is SHV’s hope to establish and nurture meaningful connections with folks living their lives on or around Pandora Avenue, listening, talking, and praying with people when we get the chance. We hope in our words and actions to point people to Jesus, the one who loves them and knows their every need.

Project Leader

Deborah Moyo
Project Leader,
Street Hope Victoria and National Director of Threshold Ministries

Email Debrorah
888.316.8169 ext 4

Who We Are

Street Hope has been working in Victoria for the past 30 years. Street Hope Victoria began in 1986, with a particular focus on youth who were experiencing homelessness.  Over the past number of years, we have shifted our venue to a motor home (since 2010) and broadened our age range.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic we have been using carts filled with food, drink and cold weather essentials, to share the love of Jesus as we walk up and down Pandora Avenue.

Street Hope Victoria is entirely volunteer driven. The committed group of volunteers at Street Hope Victoria operate under the umbrella of Threshold Ministries. This is a national organization and the national office is located in New Brunswick.

We meet each Tuesday evening at 7:30 for up to an hour and a half to give out food, listen, talk and pray with people we meet.

Our Numbers

100 sandwiches are given out each evening as well as 18 litres of soup; as well as other food and clothing items.

4-6 volunteers help out per evening.

Multiple conversations occur, people are encouraged and leave with full stomachs.

What does Street Hope Mean to you?

“It means a lot to me. On Tuesday and Thursday evenings when I am hungry I come here and get a better night sleep because I have something in my belly.”

“A place that I look forward to each time. I feel enriched with the spirit of hope, love and belonging and I am grateful for your care and attention. Thanks, and bless you.”


“It restores my hope. Being in a situation where you are surrounded by a lot of negativity when you are homeless it’s easy to forget nice people and good things in life. Street Hope has me looking forward to something for the first time in a long time. It reminds me of my old life. It’s important to have light at the end of the tunnel. Street Hope encourages me to get back on track and make goals. Street Hope allows for intimacy through one on one connections.”


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