Street Hope Saint John


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Saint John, NB

The vision of Street Hope Saint John reflects that of our founder, Wilson Carlile, who sought to develop an army of “hope bringers” into a world that so much needs hope – to bring the hope of Jesus to others. The niche of Threshold House is to serve men who have discovered hope over lives of addiction. Threshold House is a Christian community of support and discipleship with the goal of supporting individuals in Saint John to build a network of support around them as they live at Threshold House for one year.

We recognize that we live in an addiction-riddled society but when a Threshold client spends one year in our program, we engage together, empower them to effectively live and share hope with others. At the end of their year, we will welcome the next cohort and begin the process again. We call this “The Year of the Lord’s Favour” (Luke 4:19).

Ministry Leader

Reed Flemming

Email Reed
888.316.8169 ext 1

Threshold House

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